
Find a Maid Cafe in AKIBA!!

This is a MAP. It tells you where the Maid Cafes are. Maid Cafe is the really unique cafe because the stuffs look like a maid. lol You can demand or order the maid what ever you want. lol

Dragon ball!!

I bet you know these characters. There are many shops for buying Animated Figures in Akiba.


There is a cake in this cans. It's so weird, but I recommend you get this when you are in Akiba. lol

Penny in the slot!!

Look at this small penny in the slot. If you pay 1 or 2 bucks, you can get many tiny toys from this. There are many Japanese Animated Characters.

Near the Akiba Station!!

These kinks of clothes are famous in Akihabara. You can see some people wear these clothes in Akiba. If you wanna see that, go to Akiba and check it. lol

Shop at Akiba!!

This is a Samirai Sword. I found it in Akihabara. It looks so cool, but it is a replica.